This orgonite pendant contains:
Red Jasper (red): Grounding & Kundalini
Carnelian (orange): Feelings & Creativity
Golden Agate (yellow): Power & Manifestation
Aventurine (green): Love & Compassion
Dye Turquoise (blue): Communication & Expression
Lapis (deep blue): Vision & Clairvoyancy
Amethyst (purple): Spirituality & Meditation
The energy technology contained in the card helps to keep the energy flowing in your entire body.
With energy flowing correctly in the body, problems can correct themselves. When energy flows… pain goes.
Potential Benefits:
- Greater Energy and Wellbeing
- Less Stress, Fatigue and Tiredness
- Stronger Mental Focus & Greater Productivity
- Pain Relief and Pain Reduction
- Enhanced Digestion
- Better More Restful Sleep (Reduce or Eliminate Insomnia)
- Improved Quality and Taste of Foods and Beverages
Lifeforce cards need no external energy source, no maintenance, and work permanently with an almost unlimited life span.
They are an unlimited source of energy to help boost your body and minds potential to greater levels of well-being!